In the streets of New Meridian, two bosses meet. One is a man with short black hair, dark skin and purple clothes. His outfit is decorated with a purple fleur-de-lis emblem. The other appears to be a blonde woman with Caucasian skin. They are wearing a black jacket with a purple fleur-de-lis.
"This flower... why are you wearing our symbol?" The man asks the woman.
"Your symbol? It's OUR symbol!"
"No, stupid woman! I'm the Saints’ boss!"
"I'm not a woman!"
"I'm a transgender man, you idiot!"
"Hey! How was I supposed to know? Anyway, like I said, I'm the Saints’ boss!"
"You're talking shit! It is I, the Saints’ boss!"
"Don't be a bitch... sorry, an asshole! There's only one group of Saints and I'm the leader! My name is Marcus."
"Marcus. Listen up carefully. I'm Maxine, well Max, and I'M THE BOSS!"
Marcus pulls out two pistols.
"Enough of this blah-blah! I'll fucking kill you, impostor!"
"Impostor yourself!" Max retorts, equipping themself with a rifle.
Suddenly, the announcer's male voice is heard.
"Oh my! Who is the real Saints’ boss? ACTION!"
As soon as he's finished talking, Marcus and Max(ine) clash with bullets. As their life bars half empty, they hear sirens.
"Shit! The cops!" Max says.
"I'm thinking more of the Black Egrets." Marcus says.
"I don't care. I'm not getting arrested! I'm out of here."
"Same here."
The two bosses run away.
"Oh... so the fight's over." Said the announcer's voice.